Hi there, long time no see! I'll get to my absence in a second, but first off you might notice a few changes on Tiny Bits from Boo. I was ready to give the blog a makeover, and enlisted the help of the incredibly talented Molly Jacques to work with me on a new logo and illustration. What do you think? I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out, and I am especially in love with the Boo Radley illustration. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Molly throughout the entire process, and I would highly recommend her if you're looking for someone to collaborate with on a custom design, illustration or lettering. Also, you absolutely must check out more of Molly's work including these fabulous thank you notes, this inspiring print, and love this beautiful return address stamp.
Now, where exactly to begin? I couldn't possibly catch ya'll up on the past seven months of life, and where would I even start? I have to admit I missed sharing my bits of inspiration with ya'll. So, what took me so long to get back on the blogging bandwagon? For me, blogging is one of those things where the more you do it, the easier it becomes. And well, if you haven't done it in a while, psyching yourself up to get back at it can be {just a tiny bit} challenging, to say the least. No promises you'll see daily updates, or the same content as before, but I can guarantee that after taking a much needed timeout I'm back reenergized with a new vision for this blog, and hope to share the new vision with ya'll next week. In the meantime, thought I'd pass on a few things I'm loving this week:
Conquer your fear and learn to speak confidently in front of a crowd with these useful tips you should definitely bookmark for future reference. 15 Reasons Why People Move to NYC...spot-on. Number three I'm looking at you.
Fantastic video by Marie Forleo on how to surrender to your calling and be open to what comes next. Gosh, I really get Mastin Kipp after watching this video.
Draw Your Tomorrow.. and do it in this perfect planner.
How successful people talk-they pay attention. Simple as that.
Things my dad was right about..because there is nothing like wisdom from dad.
The One Thing These Crazy Successful People Do Every Morning. Inspiration for getting up early enough to make a little me-time right?
After an unbearable week of heat here in NYC {yes, even for this Texas girl, it was brutal}, the aptly titled Heatwave cocktail sounds like the perfect cocktail to beat the heat.
Life Lessons We All Need to Learn via Brene Brown.

One final note, I'm majorly in search of any recommendations for someone to help with blog design and installations... any help or ideas ya'll have please share them below or shoot me an email! Have a fabulous Sunday and end to your weekend!
These are all great motivation. I have shared this on pinterest.